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NFI Corp Rocks – So Do Our Talented Employees!

 Everyone knows that NFI Corp rocks with custom labels. But did you know our employees rock too? It’s true! We invite you to grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to meet some of our employees, catch a few funny stories, and hear their amazing music.

 Meet our talented team…

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  When Lourdes sings and plays the guiro, it brings her happiness. Ever hear of the guiro? This percussion instrument is actually made from a hollowed-out gourd! The guiro contributes to the lively rhythm of Latin American music such as salsa.

  • Paul  claims to have a sickness: Drumitis! It started when he was 5 years old, intently watching a drummer at a function. He gave Paul a pair of drumsticks and now, nearly 40 years later, Paul plays the drums and sings with a classic rock/blues band called Blues Train.NFI Corp - Paul.jpg
  • Just like Peter, Paul & Mary, Ray digs rock-and-roll music! At age 14, Ray learned how to play guitar. Now, 36 years later, he plays and sings in a popular cover band called Headcase. “I’ve always enjoyed playing guitar,” Rays says. “The reward for all the hard work is seeing the people you are playing for enjoying the music just as much as you are.”

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  • As a toddler, Roberta was watching a TV commercial with a little girl playing piano. “I was mesmerized and, from that moment, I wanted to play the piano,” she says. Roberta began lessons when she was only 3 years old! Today, she plays for weddings, concerts, and churches. Plus, she teaches: “It enriches my life by seeing my students becoming more confident in themselves and excelling at their talents.”

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  • Imagine growing up with an opera-singer mother and father who loved classical guitar and folk music. No wonder Steve picked up the guitar and piano at an early age. It helped that a cousin wrote music for Frank Sinatra (and others) and shared inspiring stories of encounters with famous performers. Today, Steve sings with the South Coast Community Chorale. “Joining with others to create beautiful music is exhilarating,” he says. “I have lots of music in my life and am the richer for it!”
  • It all started with the Golden Oldies. Tim grew up listening to his parents’ music and, as a teen, he rocked out with ‘70s and ‘80s rock and metal. Tim has been playing guitar and singing vocals for over 30 years. “It makes me happy, and I enjoy playing in bands to make people dance and have a good time,” he says.NFI Corp - Tim.jpg

A few funny stories – and a touching one too!

  • “Who booked the band?” – Good news: Paul’s band was booked to play at a wedding reception. Bad news: No one in the family told anyone they booked a band. Amazingly, FOUR bands showed up to play at the reception!
  • How to learn a song in 15 minutes – Tim’s rock band was playing a gig, and a patron requested a favorite song. When they admitted they didn’t know how to play it, he offered them $100 to figure it out fast. At the next break, they found a CD with the song, grabbed their instruments, went out to the car, popped in the disc, turned up the music, and learned to play the song on the sidewalk. They got $100, and anyone walking by got a free concert!
  • Proof that music moves you – The chorale director has a great love of classical music, Steve explains. “One season we performed a piece called ‘The Awakening.’ We performed in a beautiful, grand church in front of a huge audience, with over 70 voices and a full orchestra. The intensity of the piece grows gradually until the end, where we sing full voice with the swell of the orchestra. At this point, the director was so moved by the wall of music surrounding him that he began to weep – while continuing to wave his baton to direct the orchestra and chorus. When the song finished, the entire audience leapt to their feet and cheered while applauding. It was an amazing feeling to be a part of that performance.”


Now you know that NFI Corp rocks with custom labels – and our employees rock too!

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 We encourage you to bring music into your kids’ lives. 

  • “My message to parents is to expose your children to music in some way,” says Steve. “Encourage their musical interests, and pay for lessons. It makes for a lifetime of joy and enriches them in more ways than can be counted.”
  • Paul jokes that there’s another good reason to introduce kids to music. As a teenager, he often stayed at home playing drums while his friends were busy getting into trouble!

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