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Water-based inks are a popular choice in the printing industry because of their low environmental impact and ability to produce high-quality prints. These inks are made with water as the main solvent, rather than petroleum-based solvents like those found in traditional oil-based inks. This makes water-based inks safer to use and easier to clean up, as they can be easily washed away with water.

One of the main benefits of water-based inks is that they are much less harmful to the environment than oil-based inks. These inks emit fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which can contribute to air pollution and have negative health effects. They also have a lower risk of fire, as they are less flammable than oil-based inks.

Water-based inks are also known for producing high-quality prints with vibrant colors and excellent coverage. These inks can be used on a variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, and textiles, making them a versatile choice for a wide range of printing applications.


One process that is often used in conjunction with water-based inks is chemical reduction. This process involves using chemicals to reduce the size of the ink particles in the ink, which results in a smoother, more uniform print.

There are several different methods of chemical reduction that can be used in the printing industry, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. One common method is the use of surfactants, which are chemicals that reduce the surface tension of the ink and help the ink flow more smoothly onto the printing surface. Surfactants can also improve the adhesion of the ink to the printing surface, resulting in a stronger bond and a more durable print. 1-Jan-04-2023-04-15-56-9268-PM

Another method of chemical reduction is the use of coalescing agents, which are chemicals that help the ink particles merge together and form a more cohesive print. Coalescing agents can help reduce the risk of fading and improve the overall durability of the print.

While chemical reduction can produce high-quality prints, it is important to carefully consider the chemicals being used and their potential impact on the environment. Some chemicals used in chemical reduction processes can be harmful if not handled properly, so it is important to follow proper safety protocols and dispose of these chemicals responsibly.

Overall, water-based inks and chemical reduction are important tools in the printing industry. These techniques allow NFI Corp to produce high-quality prints with a lower environmental impact, making them a popular choice for many printing applications.
